Story submission 01/11/2021

Hello. My name is Toria I'm from Chicago Illinois and I have paragard the copper implanted in the summer of 2007 some months after the birth of my daughter. I kept it for 10 years, and during those ten years I experienced many side effects. For years I discussed with my doctor the side effects but I was always told that what I was experiencing was to be expected. There were a few times where I rushed myself to the emergency room due to anxiety attacks. I also experienced many years of heavy bleeding and discomfort during menstrual cycles. I can also say that there was discomfort during intercourse on several occasions. The most concerning for me was the fact that I had never had in my life to deal with anxiety before the paragard. I am also very concerned because after having the paragard removed in 2017 I no longer had a menstrual cycle after that! Of course starting menopause at the age of 40 was not something I was expecting, but again after speaking to my doctor it was explained to me that menopause sometimes starts in the early forties. I will be 45 and for the last few years I have been struggling with weight gain and all of the other symptoms that go along with menopause. It has been a real struggle and I am having an awful experience trying to deal with all of the different symptoms and issues as far as my hormones are concerned. I was told by my doctor that my progesterone was very very low before the paragard I did experience some low progesterone issues. Although the issues were present there were never any issues with progesterone that affected my menstrual cycle. Today January 2021 I regret every single day that I chose paragard! I actually went to my doctor's appointment that day in 2007 2 have a consultation about tubal ligation. I somehow ended up being talked into the paragard instead, I thought it was a good idea but years later I realized that it probably was not. The day I had the paragard removed my doctor showed it to me and it was dark as the night! I remember what it looks like before having it implanted because it was delivered to my home. I remember seeing that it was the color of copper a pinkish rust color. When the doctor held up that paragard that was removed from my body it was so black and tarnished and I immediately felt as if I was going to faint! I called my husband on the phone as I drove home from the doctor's office because I was so dizzy and my vision was blurry and I continue to have feelings of fainting! I wasn't sure what was going on but when I returned home I immediately went to my bed and I stay there for the next two days because I literally felt like I was paralyzed! I could not move I called a homeopathic family member of mine who explained to me that I was experiencing copper toxicity. She gave me some things to do and Does homeopathic remedies did work even though it took about 3 days for me to feel normal again! Today January 2020 I still don't feel myself I am still dealing with low progesterone and also menopausal symptoms.