“I became very depressed.” Patricia’s Story

Hi I had a copper iud inserted immediately after having a termination 19 years ago I am know 56 years old.Nothing really physical changed other than slightly heavier periods.But I became very depressed which hasn’t left me in all that time I have tried numerous antidepressant medication over the years.In 2013 I suffered chronic fatigue I could barely walk , time passed and was then on a journey of one symptom after another, weight loss hairloss irritable bowl syndrome crying fits chronic constant anxiety burning feet the list is endless. Then in 2016 I broke a rib while sweeping the garden which resulted in getting pleurasy, I was sent to a Rheumatologist whom diagnosed me with Osteoarthritis and Fibromyalgia also asthma. Everyday from then on has been as miserable as it could possibly be I’ve lost friends a social life partner I don’t even recognise myself ,I was fit and healthy , I’ve been in a state of a constant anxiety everyday its been a battle I’ve even felt seriously mentally ill and been perceived by others as unhinged even my own doctor has put my conditions down to psychosomatic, which has exasperated my state even more.Then finally in February 2019 I was sent for a pelvic ultra sound where my copper iud was embedded in my uterus,so finally 19th September 2020 I had surgery to remove it at Oakland’s hospital, I am writing this with great hope after my surgery today that my life will improve.

Story Submission 09/20/2020
