Meaghan’s Story

I had the Mirena. The first thing I noticed when I knew something was wrong was my hair loss. This was the first of many horrible symptoms that led me to 12 different doctors and spending over $8,000 in a year. They ALL dismissed the IUD as the cause and I ended up with tons of unnecessary bloodwork and ER visits trying to figure it out. My worst symptoms included: severe hair loss and scalp pain, cystic acne, joint pain, dizziness and fainting spells, neuropathy, fatigue, severe mood swings, vision changes, burst ovarian cyst, horrible brain fog, panic attacks, shortness of breath, and chest pain. There were more weird symptoms but these ones impacted my daily functioning the most. I tested positive for autoimmune activity, had very high ferritin levels, and low white blood cells, but everything else came back normal. I finally decided the only thing that changed before this all started was my IUD and I pushed to get it out. 2 weeks after removal, most of my symptoms are already improving. I am getting bloodwork redone in 3 and 6 months to see if removal helped, but I know in my gut this is it.

Submitted on November 11, 2020

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