Depression, Low Libido and Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism after Copper IUD. Blanca’s Story

At age 23, my partner and I decided to move into our first apartment in Johannesburg, South Africa! It was to be the best time of our lives. I had been on hormonal birth control and was unhappy with the side effects and so opted for the Copper IUD- I had done my research which all pointed to it being a fantastic hormone-free option and my doctor didn't advise me any differently when I requested it.

Continue ReadingDepression, Low Libido and Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism after Copper IUD. Blanca’s Story

Cramping, weight gain, cystic acne and more with Mirena IUD. Taulara’s Story

I wish I had known about this page prior to getting Mirena. But, why would I think to look up a page on negatives and side effects when everything the Dr tells you and that you see online tells you how amazing it is?! Then every time you THINK you are having a problem related to it and call a doctor or look online they tell you it’s not and you feel crazy and like it’s in your head?

Continue ReadingCramping, weight gain, cystic acne and more with Mirena IUD. Taulara’s Story

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